BC Active Transportation Grant - Infrastructure Grant Application - Pender Island, Schooner Way - School Trail
The Electoral Areas Committee recommends to the Capital Regional District Board:
1) That the shovel ready Schooner Way-School Trail on Pender Island be considered a priority project.
2) That an application to the Province of British Columbia Active Transportation - Infrastructure Grant Program for $500,000 be progressed for the purpose of construction of Phase 2 of the Schooner Way-School Trail on North Pender Island within the required timeline.
3) That the funding provided through the British Columbia Active Transportation - Infrastructure Grant Program will be supported with contributions from the Pender Island Parks and Recreation Commission’s Financial Plan; and
4) That staff be instructed to apply for, negotiate, and if successful, enter into an agreement and do all such things necessary for accepting Active Transportation - Infrastructure Grant funds and overseeing grant management for the proposed project.