Previous Minutes of Other CRD Committees and Commissions
[At the January 14, 2025 Traffic Safety Commission meeting, the following recommendation to the Transportation Committee was carried:
The Traffic Safety Commission recommends that the Transportation Committee recommend to the Capital Regional District Board:
That the CRD Board advocate to the Province for improved interregional bus service in recognition that affordable transit and its frequency play a role in traffic safety.
At the February 26, 2025 Transportation Committee meeting, the motion was amended and carried along with a motion arising as provided below:]
The Transportation Committee recommends to the Capital Regional District Board:
1. That the CRD Board advocate to the Province for improved interregional bus service and funding between the Capital Regional District and Cowichan Valley Regional District in recognition that affordable transit and its frequency play a role in traffic safety.
2. That this motion be forwarded to the Cowichan Valley Regional District Board and request their support.